Death in our hearts.. Love on our minds

If beer was a woman..

Sunday 24 January 2010

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Burdened with Love...

Her heart searches for love which she can never find.. Her emotions stay within bottled sealed never touched never is a word she never uses doesn't ever cross her mind...problems brush over her shoulder, day by day moment by moment... No one has had her heart not one guy not anyone.....But that all changed.. He walks in and out of her life leaving her breathless stressed.. her mind thinks of him and him only... For a moment he made everything better all the problems disappear... Then he disappeared with all the happiness and what was left the bottle and he's number... Day by day the bottle gets lower and lower so does the love and all the happiness.... Now she wonders the streets with nothing but the street lights..and questions that need answering....